Avtale for bestillinger

Avtale for bestillinger

General terms and conditions

General terms and conditions

‎Vi er Varanger Brygge AS, Org nr: 929 174 755. Adresse: 9935 Bugøynes, Skoleveien 5, Norge.‎

This agreement describes what we can expect from each other when you book accommodation from us.

Our services include accommodation, fishing experiences, sauna and possible transport to / from the surrounding areas. We have no form of corresponding traffic such as planes, ferries etc.

We will only deal with you and your fellow travelers, and you must be an adult when booking. Everyone under the age of 18 who books must be accompanied by an adult.

This agreement is made in accordance with the laws of Norway and follows the legal agreements associated with the Norwegian courts.

By signing this agreement, you confirm that you have read all the terms and conditions, and that you accept the content. When you book accommodation, you accept this agreement on behalf of everyone in your entourage.

‎Oppgi informasjon

‎Oppgi informasjon

Du må sørge for at all informasjon du gir er riktig og snarets informere oss om noe av den endres. Ved å oppgi andres personopplysninger må du være sikker på at de godtar å dele dataene sine med oss.‎

In accordance with the legal provisions, you and everyone in your order may be asked to provide a copy of the passport / identification as well as and fill in a registration card when you check in.

You must comply with all passports, visas and other immigration requirements. Your passport and travel documents must be in good condition; You may be refused check-in if they are damaged or have been altered.

The price you pay

The price you pay

You must pay 100% of the accommodation price at the time you arrive at our locations to use them. If this payment is not received, we reserve the right to treat your order as canceled, and we may charge you the applicable cancellation fees.

When you book accommodation, we will send you your booking confirmation.

Errors can occur, so if any of the prices on your booking confirmation, our website or our booking systems are obviously incorrect. An order made based on that price will not be valid, we can cancel it and refund you unless you want to pay the correct price.

Please note that we do not charge any bank charges for international transfers. This fee is deducted from the payment amount.

‎Før du ankommer

‎Før du ankommer

Noen ganger kan det være nødvendig å gjøre endringer i bestillingen din. Når du gjør endringer, vil prisen på den nye innkvarteringen være basert på prisen som gjelder den dagen du gjør endringen.‎

‎Du kan overføre bestillingen din til noen andre hvis du gir oss minst 2 dagers varsel skriftlig eller via e-post, og den nye kunden godtar overføringen og vilkårene i denne avtalen. Du vil være ansvarlig, sammen med den nye kunden, for våre bestillingsgebyrer og eventuelle kostnader som følge av endringen.

If you cancel the order

If you cancel the order

To cancel your order, please let us know as soon as possible. You must pay a cancellation fee that covers our administration costs and compensates us for the risk that we do not resell your home. The fee is based on how long before the accommodation you tell us that you want to cancel and is a percentage of the total price of the accommodation. We may not be able to refund items in your order if they are added to accessories.

* Please note that we do not have control over exchange rates at any time as they change. And therefore also not responsible for losses incurred as a result of this.



Dager før avbestilling utgjør prosentandel av prisen

0-7 dager

100% av prisen

8-30 dager

50% av prisen

Dager før avbestilling

Prosentandel av prisen

0-7 dager


8-30 dager


Hvis VI avbestiller bestillingen

Hvis VI avbestiller bestillingen

Hvis vi kansellerer bestillingen din (unntatt der det er fordi du ikke har betalt eller med mindre vi har kansellert på grunn av en av grunnene som er oppført i ‘Events Beyond Our Control’), kan du få full refusjon eller godta en erstatningsovernatting fra oss av en lignende standard og pris hvis vi kan tilby deg en.‎

Hva om jeg må avbryte på grunn av en nødsituasjon eller uunngåelig omstendighet?‎

Hva om jeg må avbryte på grunn av en nødsituasjon eller uunngåelig omstendighet?‎

We may be able to give you a refund or waive cancellation fees if you have to cancel due to an unexpected circumstance beyond your control. Get in touch as soon as possible if this occurs and we will together find a solution in common for all of us.

* Please note that we strongly encourage you to purchase insurance, and in particular cancellation policy for any reason (CFAR) for all travel you book

‎Hendelser utenfor vår kontroll‎

‎Hendelser utenfor vår kontroll‎

Examples of incidents beyond our control are: Very bad weather over a long period of time. Otherwise we will be able to complete your stay as well as possible. And

‎Hvis VI endrer overnatting‎

‎Hvis VI endrer overnatting‎

Vi tar alltid sikte på å holde det vi lover, men siden vår innkvartering ofte er planlagt lenge i forveien, kan det noen ganger endre seg. Hvis vi forteller deg om en stor endring etter at du har bestilt overnatting, kan du:‎

  • Accept a replacement accommodation from us of the same or similar standard and price on the date of the change, if we are able to offer you one,
  • Cancel your order and receive a full refund.

‎Under oppholdet‎

‎Under oppholdet‎

Only you and your travel companion can use your home. No one else can stay there. You are responsible for any damage to the home or its contents during your stay.

We can refuse to accept your / their behavior if we believe it is a significant nuisance to the surroundings in Bugøynes. This is due to the homes' proximity to neighbors, school, sports facilities, etc. If this should occur, we can ask you to move away from the home. You will not be entitled to a refund in any form, and we will not provide compensation or cover any costs this may entail for you and your entourage. And

‎Hvis ting går galt under oppholdet‎

‎Hvis ting går galt under oppholdet‎

If you are in difficulty during your stay, we will help you as soon as possible. This is by providing information about health services and local authorities that are available and that you can contact. You / you will be responsible for any costs this would incur yourself. And

If you have a complaint, please contact our representative immediately so that we can resolve the issue as soon as possible.

By placing an order with Varanger Brygge, you hereby accept that Varanger Brygge's guidelines are valid and binding on you as guests. And

‎Endringer i vilkårene og betingelsene‎

‎Endringer i vilkårene og betingelsene‎

The terms of this agreement may be changed continuously if appropriate by Varanger Brygge. In such cases, the new terms of the agreement will be available on our website and will automatically apply to you with immediate effect.